Submit a Proposal

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CUNY Games Festival 2016: A Conference on Game-based Learning in Higher Education
The proposal deadline has been extended to November 1st, 2015. The CUNY Games Festival will be held on January 22nd, 2016 at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City. We will also host a casual playtesting session on January 23rd, but please note that all formal presentations, posters, and game demos related to abstract submissions will occur on the 22nd.
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* Indicates required question
Corresponding Author
Please provide the following information for the corresponding author. If there is more than one author, please note that the corresponding author will be the sole recipient of correspondence and communication.
First Name *
Your answer
Middle Initial
Your answer
Last Name *
Your answer
Affiliation *
Your answer
Email *
Your answer
Street Address 1 *
Your answer
Street Address 2
Your answer
City *
Your answer
State / Province *
Your answer
Postal Code *
Your answer
Country *
Your answer
Complete List of Authors
For the conference proceedings, please list the names of all authors in ranking order for publication, including the corresponding author.
Use the following format for each author: Last name, first name, middle initial, affiliation, email address
Your answer
Proposal Description
Type of Proposal *
Proposal Title *
Your answer
If part of a panel, please submit the title of the panel
Your answer
Project Classification *
Please refer to the conference Theme and Rubric on the Call for Proposals for guidance. It is normal for projects to extend across classifications, but please select the one that best describes your submission.
Choose one format for your proposal *
Abstract: Maximum 500 words describing your proposal *
Please note that commercial presentations that focus on selling a product will not be accepted.
Your answer
Relevance to Higher Education *
A paragraph describing how your presentation relates to higher education
Your answer
Please select at least three tags that best apply to your proposal from the list below: *
Special Requests (Optional)
If the abstract presenter has a scheduling conflict, disability, or special request, indicate that here. The Program Committee will take such requests into consideration, but they are not guaranteed.
Your answer
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A Conference on Game-based Learning in Higher Education